Serving the Worman’s Mill Community

WMCA Minutes 1-21-2009 (cont.)

area would be too late for the drivers.  The mayor stated that the State Highway Administration (SHA) has rejected this suggestion; however, he would pursue this matter with vigor with SHA.  

Fort Detrick Construction
Tom Gill stated that there would be 1,000 construction workers working at Fort Detrick this summer and that this will definitely bring a traffic problem to the area.  The mayor stated he would suggest that Fort Detrick not use the Opposumtown Road entrance.  

Deputy Director of Planning Comments
Joe Adkins, Deputy Director of Planning for Frederick City, reviewed the following planning efforts and responsibilities that emanate from his office:
1. Annexation (The Clemson annexation would have to meet the APFO requirements relating to traffic)
2. Comprehensive Plan (will be explained to all NAC’s in April)
3. Code Enforcement
4. Community Development Program (will use Federal monies to buy foreclosed homes, fix them up, and put them on the market for low income citizens)
5. Sustainable Communities ( Greening of Communities such as tree plantings, etc.)
6. Transportation Projects
7. Town Center Project
8. Giant Gas Station Project (Reduced gas prices when Giant food purchases are made)
9. Widening of Monocacy Boulevard (The state administration says that the county and city should fund this project without state monies. They believe that four million will now be the cost of this widening.)  Mr. Jim Randle suggested that the proposed fly-over for Route 15/26 be revisited to lessen the traffic burden on Worman’s Mill.  The mayor stated that he would continue to pursue this solution even in light of the big cost.