Serving the Worman’s Mill Community

March 18, 2009 (5:30 p.m.)
Frederick Community College (FCC) Cougar Café

Board of Directors Present:  Carol Goldstein, President; Allan Carlson, Vice-President; Judy Haines, Treasurer, Joe Volz, Director-At-Large; and Noel Farmer, Secretary
Board of Directors Absent:  Wendall Eaton, Director – At – Large (illness); Thomas Schuerger, Director – At – Large (vacation); and John Martin, Immediate Past President

I. Guest Speaker
President Carol Goldstein introduced Mr. Ed Lulie, Community Prosecutor of Frederick City, to the membership.  Mr. Lulie’s position is based on a grant from the Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention to the Frederick City Police Department.  Ed works under the direction of Charles Smith, States Attorney.  He also collaborates very closely with Chief Dine in the Frederick City Police Department. His program’s title is called C-Safe (Collaborative Supervision and Focused Enforcement) and has the purpose of reducing violent crime in Frederick City and improving the quality of life in Frederick City.  He attends the meetings of the Neighborhood Advisory Councils (NAC) to enhance his efforts in improving the working relationship between the police and the prosecutors.  

Mr. Lulie indicated that the major goal of his office is to remove repeat violent offenders from the community.  While there are 2,400 individuals on parole and probation in Maryland, his office monitors the 150 repeat offenders that reside in Frederick County.  

Ed Lulie stated that the Federal Letter of Intent to Prosecute (FLIP) has been a great help to his office.  He indicated that if a local prosecutor can’t get a plea deal or resolution        More