Serving the Worman’s Mill Community

WMCA Board Minutes 7-8-2009 (cont.)

2. Tom will have Candidate A draw a question from a hat containing four questions and Tom will read the question over the microphone to the candidates and the audience.  Candidate A will have a maximum limit of four minutes to respond to the question. After Candidate A is finished, Candidate B can respond to the same question within a four minute time limit.  This same process will be implemented for Candidate B for the next question. After the four questions have been completed, extra questions from the moderator will be available, if needed.  Time will also be allocated for questions from the audience.  This entire process will be limited to one hour.  Carol will make sure that there are two or three mikes available for the forum.  
3. A dinner coupon will be raffled at the end of the forum.  Tom Schuerger will attain the dinner coupon from a local restaurant.

VIII. Update on Nominations for 2010 WMCA Officers
Carol indicated that four officers have agreed to run again for office:  Carol Judy, Allan, and Noel.  The committee will need to find candidates for the three vacant Directors-At-Large offices.   Allan Joseph will report to the WMCA Board of Directors at the planning meeting on September 9, 2009 regarding the committee’s suggested nominations.  The voting will occur at the November WMCA General Meeting.  

IX. Meeting Dates for Next Year
The WMCA General Meetings for 2010 for the Frederick Community College Conference Center, rooms E 126 A,B, and C (5:30 – Meet and Greet; 6:00 Dinner; and 7:00 Speaker) will be as follows:                                                                                                          More