Serving the Worman’s Mill Community

WMCA Board Minutes 7-8-2009 (cont.)

XII. Cancellation of August Board Meeting
Carol announced that the August WMCA Board of Directors Meeting will be cancelled.

XIII. Planning for September 16, 2009 General Meeting

Board Officer Responsibility
Carol Goldstein: Preside over General Meeting; number placement for table calls
Allan Carlson: Provision for the wine
Judy Haines: Receive dues, dinner payments and dinner registrations
Noel Farmer: Assist Judy, Minutes; Thank-you letter
Joe Volz: Sell raffle tickets and time keeper for forum
Thomas Schuerger: Obtain restaurant coupon for raffle; Forum Moderator

XIV. Other
A. December 2009 Holiday Party Entertainment
Carol will contact the Star Spangled Band for the entertainment for the December 2009 Holiday Party.  
B. Wendell Eaton
Carol will send a plant to Wendell during his recuperation time.  Wendell will remain on the Board for the remainder of this year but will not run for office for the 2010 year.  

Submitted by,

Noel Farmer, WMCA Secretary