Serving the Worman’s Mill Community

WMCA Minutes 5-16-2009 (cont.)

Randy McClement’s Response:  I will try to reverse this formula to include two recycle pick-ups and one trash pick-up per week.  Commercial recycling is also needed in the city.  
Jason Judd’s Response:  Jason offered the same response as Randy McClement in terms of reversing the formula.  Jason wants to knit the neighborhoods in Frederick City with bike paths.  He also wants to invest in expanded tree cover in Frederick City.  

5. The city residents’ real estate taxes question:  The city residents’ real estate taxes are out of proportion (high) with respect to county-only residents.  What might you do about it?
Jason Judd’s Response:  We need a rebate on our taxes to the county.  This will be a challenge between the mayor and the County Commissioners.  More jobs are needed in the city to expand the tax base without increasing taxes.  We are not being treated fairly by the county commissioners with the reimbursement changes from the county to the city.  Tax equity is out of line.  
Randy McClement’s Response:  I will introduce, if elected Mayor, a modified zero-based budget plan.  Each city director must justify each proposed expenditure every year. This will hopefully keep taxes down.   The county was wrong in their latest decision on tax reimbursement to the city.  

IV. Adjournment
Carol Goldstein adjourned the meeting after this last question at 8:00 p.m.  

Submitted by,

Noel Farmer, WMCA Secretary