Serving the Worman’s Mill Community

WMCA Board Minutes 9-9-2009 (cont.)

7. Vicki Myers, Director – At – Large

                  This slate of proposed officers will be announced in the October Mill Monitor
                   and at the September 16, 2009 WMCA General Meeting.  The Board of
                   Directors decided that there was no compelling need to provide for absentee
                   votes for this election.  Judy Haines will present the slate of officers at the
                  September WMCA General Meeting.

IX. Meeting Dates for the 2010 Year
The WMCA General Meetings for 2010 for the Frederick Community College Conference Center, rooms E 126 A, B, and C (5:30  - Meet and Greet; 6:00 p.m. Dinner; and 7:00 p.m. Speaker) will be as follows:  

January 20, 2010
March 17, 2010
May 19, 2010
September 15, 2010
November 17, 2010
December 8, 2010

Carol presented a map of the new location for these General Meetings at the Frederick Community College.  Allan will consider scanning this map into the web-site with directions.  Carol also indicated that the directions and the map might be distributed at either the November meeting or the Holiday Party.                                                                                     More