Serving the Worman’s Mill Community

WMCA Board Minutes 9-9-2009 (cont.)

XII. Issue of Listing Landscaping Concerns for Presentation to Conservancy
Carol stated that after discussing this matter with Patty Vasco, she believed that this effort should be abandoned.  The members agreed with her assessment.  

XIII. Planning for September 16, 2009 General Meeting
Judy Haines will announce the nominated slate of officers for the 2010 WMCA Board of Directors.  The following responsibilities will be carried out on September 16:

Board Officer Responsibility
Carol Goldstein Preside over General Meeting, number placement for table calls, time keeper for the forum, and distribute pre-arranged questions for the candidates
Allan Carlson Provision for the wine
Judy Haines Receive dues, dinner payments, and dinner registrations
Noel Farmer Assist Judy, minutes, thank-you letter
Joe Volz Raffle tickets - selling
Thomas Schuerger Obtain gift certificate for raffle and forum moderator

XIV. Other
A. December 2009 Holiday Party Entertainment:  Carol Goldstein announced that the Rock and Roll Relics will provide the entertainment for the Holiday Party.
B. Next WMCA Board of Directors Planning Meeting:  The next planning meeting will be October 14, 2009.
C. Solicitations in the Community:  Carol indicated that she would give the Board an update on this topic at the next planning meeting on October 14, 2009.                               More