Serving the Worman’s Mill Community


On September 16, one day after the primary election, the two remaining candidates will participate in a forum sponsored by the Worman's Mill Civic Association.  This is an exciting time for us, our direction is changing:  We are now expanding our involvement in the election process, city government, the Conservancy, the well being of the community.  One of our goals is to keep our residents abreast of what is occurring, another is to be more involved with each aspect of our community.

In order to accomplish this, we need the residents of our community to become involved the many activities which are available.  It is important to attend the Conservancy meetings; it is important to attend the Security Committee meetings; it is important to join and volunteer to participate in Civic Association activities:  Start by coming to the Forum. We will also be expanding our attendance at city and county meetings.  For this we need volunteers:  Seven people (The Board) cannot cover all that needs to be done.  We have yet to attend county meetings, although they are becoming more and more important.  Attendance at the city level has been confined to that which is pertinent to Worman's Mill and because of this, limited; we do not yet have a broad picture of what is occurring in the city.  All that is needed is attendance at important meetings and a brief summary which would be posted for the community.  This year has been a beginning for the association in our attempts to make ourselves more relevant to the community, as we continue to move forward, it becomes more and more clear that there is much to do and that more residents need to be involved.