Serving the Worman’s Mill Community

Responses from the candidates to question 1 (cont.)

given me invaluable experiences with finances, employee management and working with the public.  All of these experiences have provided me with the proper management skill to be the next mayor of our fair city.

Chris Simpson:  Hello Worman’s Mill.  My skills for the position of mayor are based on my life experience.  My political background is what I call a media politician.  I have never served in office but have followed local politics like most of you through the papers and radio.  Why did I throw my hat in?  I didn’t see a choice that represented me or my neighbors.  The more someone promises the more I can’t believe.  I want the basics covered - police, trash pickup, streets fixed.  If something else can be afforded let us get it, if not, start saving for it, no borrowing for it.

Ron Tobin: I have held the following positions during the last thirty-five years:  Currently City of Frederick:  Executive Assistant to the Mayor with supervisory responsibilities for Economic Development department, Neighborhood Advisory Committees, Mayor’s office staff and public information officer, Parking Administration, Frederick Municipal Airport, Weinberg Center of the Arts, Facilities Administration which includes the Harry Grove Stadium, all city owned facilities, architectural and engineering planning, construction of decks 5 and 6, Clustered Spires golf course renovations, city real estate transactions and  the City Improvement Program (CIP); Frederick Fudge and Ice Cream: Business Owner; City of Frederick: Facilities Administrator; HTB Washington LLC Architecture and Engineering: Washington D.C., Principal/Ownership Position; Children’s hospital National Medical Center, Washington, D.C.:  vice-president Facility Management Services/Chief Operating Officer of Children’s Real Estate group; State of Oklahoma University Hospital, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma:  Acting Director Architecture and Engineering/Assistant Unit Supervisor and Chief Planner; State of Oklahoma University Hospital and Clinics, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma:  Director Engineering and Facility Services. My acquired skills and knowledge have given me a broad base of experience to deal with complex issues and demonstrates my extensive experience, knowledge, dedication, and proven performance track record.  My diverse work history has prepared me in all facets necessary to perform the job as Mayor for the City of Frederick.  

Clint Hoffman: No response was received from this candidate.
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