Serving the Worman’s Mill Community

Responses from the candidates to question 2 Cont.).

In my work at the local, state and national levels, I have taken on tough issues—fair taxes, more affordable health care and responsible lending—that matter to people and businesses here in Frederick.  For example, as a campaign director, I worked to help pass this year’s credit card reform bill in Congress and was lucky enough to be invited to the White House Rose Garden in May to see President Obama sign the bill.  As a taxpayer, former community organizer and economic policy analyst, I know the importance of helping to create better jobs here at home and to always treat public money as a public trust—I’m disappointed to see how we’ve driven up taxes and spending hugely in the last seven years in Frederick.  Finally, I’ve worked for fifteen years to hold government accountable to the needs of ordinary families and our communities.

Jennifer Dougherty:  Residents want to trust their government, a government with no secrets which is completely transparent on all issues.  In addition to delivering on that promise, I will be clear about my vision for Frederick and reach out and listen to all citizens, staff and elected officials.  I will make sure that each idea stands up to scrutiny and tough fiscal standards and fairness for all who live and work in Frederick.  I will continue to use the Neighborhood Advisory Councils as a way to talk with our citizens and I will also meet with leaders of other communities to make sure we are being creative and effective with our tax dollars.

Clint Hoffman: No response was received from this candidate.
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