Serving the Worman’s Mill Community

WMCA Minutes 5-16-2009 (cont.)

pressure on the state for funds.  We need a strong presence at the state as the second largest city in the state.  We are not receiving our fair share of financial support from the state.

2. The Question of the Worman’s Mill Developer wanting to Build 90 Rental Units in the Town Center that were not in the original plans.  As the mayor, how will you protect us?
Randy McClement’s Response:  We need to give you a chance of dialogue on this code change which was not perceived to be included in the original plans.  Communication is key.  The mayor should sit in on some of these meetings with a balanced committee and the developer for resolution of the rental situation.
Jason Judd’s Response:   We have a majority report and a dissenting report from the original committee.  We need to give tools in a tool box for the mayor that would allow the mayor to intercede if the current plans negatively affect the community.  

3. Allen Joseph’s Question on the Planning Commission’s Response to the Developer’s Changes.  The Planning Commission accepted the developer’s requested variance changes in light of huge negative responses to them at two public hearings. What can we do? We were not listened to at the hearings!
Jason Judd’s and Randy McClement’s Responses:  Both candidates stated that they did not know the answer to this concern, but both candidates indicated that they would follow through on the matter and study the situation.  They indicated that they were candidates and that they did not have the answer to every situation at this time.  

4. Trash and Recycling Question in terms of changing the two trash pick-ups versus the one recycle pick-up per week.                                                                More