Serving the Worman’s Mill Community
WMCA Board Minutes 9-9-2009 (cont.)

Candidate A draw a question from a hat containing the six questions and Tom will read the question over the microphone to the candidates and the audience.  Candidate A will have a maximum limit of four minutes to respond to the question.  After Candidate A is finished, Candidate B can respond to the same question with a four minute time limit.  This same process will be implemented for Candidate B for the next question.  Carol will have the printed questions distributed to the audience as they pay for their dinner registrations at the door.  After forty-five minutes have elapsed with the responses to these questions, time will be allocated for questions from the audience.  Depending on the number of questions from the audience, Tom can use any remaining pre-arranged questions for the candidates for the remainder of the time (if necessary).  
D. Equipment Needed:  There will be only one mike available for this forum.  The mike will have to be shared between Tom and the two candidates.  Carol Goldstein will use the mike to repeat questions from the audience so that all can hear the individual audience questions. The distribution of the printed pre-arranged questions to the audience should also assist in the clarity of the process.

VIII. Nominations for the 2010 WMCA Officers
It was reported that the nominations committee was proposing the following slate for the 2010 WMCA Officers:

1. Carol Goldstein, President
2. Allan Carlson, Vice-President
3. Judy Haines, Treasurer
4. Noel Farmer, Secretary
5. David Kaye, Director – At – Large
6. Dick Menzer, Director – At – Large                                                        More