Serving the Worman’s Mill Community

WMCA Board Minutes 9-9-2009 (cont.)

The decision on these speakers will be held at the next Board of Directors Planning Meeting on October 14, 2009.  

Reservations should be made with Judy Haines at or 301-682-9756.  It is preferred, for bookkeeping reasons, that reservations be made using e-mail.  Payment by check is also preferred.  The check should be made out to “Worman’s Mill Civic Association.”  In January or whenever the annual enrollment is paid, one check can be made out to cover both the enrollment fee ($6.00 per person) and the dinner ($14.00 per person).  If an individual wishes to attend and is not a member, the cost of the dinner is $19.00.  It is extremely important that reservations be made by the cutoff date of the Friday before the General Membership meeting (1/15, 3/12, 5/14, 9/10, 11/12, and 12/3).  No reservation will be accepted after these respective dates.  The Conference Center rooms to be used will hold only 120 people due to the fire code.  In accordance with the revised by-laws, all Board of Directors planning meetings are open to the public.  The time, place and date for the meetings will be advertised in each article written for the general membership meeting.  

X. Neighborhood Advisory Council
Security is the dominant issue and concern for the council.  The Conservancy has appointed a committee to investigate the problems and solutions to this concern.  

XI. October 21 Meeting of the Conservancy
Carol Goldstein indicated that she would suggest that the WMCA Board of Directors analyze the proposed changes to the covenants once they are made public.  She suggested that the analysis be made in terms of comparing the old covenants with the proposed covenants.  She also suggested that the Board members could divide up the covenants for analysis purposes.  This would need to be done before the October 21 Meeting of the Conservancy.       More