Serving the Worman’s Mill Community

Responses from the candidates to question 3 (cont.)

Ron Tobin:  The following issues will significantly impact the FY 11 budget process.  Frederick City properties will be revised as part of the normal three year assessment cycle.  Residential values have been substantially reduced therefore reducing tax revenue.  The tax equity issue will have to be negotiated with the County Commissioners.  Therefore the city must continue to evaluate and review how it conducts business to insure it utilizes the most cost effective and efficient methods to provide citizen services, multitasking and cross-training the city work force in order to maximize productivity.  We should evaluate technology to insure we bring the appropriate resources to bear when evaluating the re-engineering opportunities.  Historical fixed operational costs need to be evaluated by a special project team that has representation from a variety of disciplines.  We should become more aggressive in securing state and Federal grants.  While state funding has limitations, the city should still pursue State and Federal match funding.  Numerous Federal grants are administrated by the state. We need to be sensitive that we do not negatively impact Frederick City quality of life.  Reduction of property tax should still be a directive in the budget process.

Jason Judd:  As mayor, I will go through our budget line-by-line, cutting what doesn’t work and we don’t need, and building a budget that really reflects our priorities.  I won’t just take last year’s spending categories and bang them into a shape that fits our fiscal 2011 revenues. We’ll make smarter investments—not just in infrastructure but in people—that help us create better jobs and an innovative economy.  Here is what I mean:  One:  I’ll be a mayor who campaigns aggressively for new investments—that included new Federal and State grants that we can go after and win—especially those that help Frederick get ahead of the curve on the green economy.  And I’ll be a Mayor who already knows his way around on Capitol Hill and in Annapolis.  Two:  I’ll put new and growing small businesses on a fast track in the city—not just downtown businesses, but all over.  Three:  We’ll create business and job incubators here to help we-tech and clean energy start-ups find their feet and find their markets.   And finally:  we’ll create a public-private partnership to help our high school graduates pay for college here and win the good jobs we’ve got.   

Clint Hoffman: No response was received from this candidate.                    
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