Serving the Worman’s Mill Community

Responses from the candidates to question 3.

Randy McClement:  My belief is that government’s basic responsibilities are to provide for public safety and public works.  These will be my priorities as mayor.  I also believe a sound city starts with a sound organization.  I have created an organization chart that I believe will lead to the city running more efficiently than it has in the past.  This will allow me, as mayor, to focus on the most pressing issues of the day, such as the looming budget concerns of which Delegate Clagett has spoken.  I will look at different forms of budget management, such as a Modified Zero Based Budget that will help find the true needs and expenditures for the city.  During my career as Director of Management, I was responsible for the creation and implementation of over thirty different budgets.  As an owner of a small business, I must maintain an effective budget to keep my business operating profitably.  All of this experience will provide me with the knowledge needed to face any budgeting issues.

Chris Simpson:  Looking for the waste and trying to find ways to be more frugal with city funds.  There is always something that can be trimmed.  Hopefully with the BOA’s help this can be accomplished.  It won’t be easy convincing departments to cut back because there is always the fear of not getting the funds when they are really needed.  If we can develop a way of not using funds just for the fact of using them because your budget next year may be cut, we could save.

Jennifer Dougherty:  My experience with the city budget helps prepare me for the tough choices ahead.  We need a Chief Financial Officer who will address the many issues facing the city, assist the mayor and will speak up when something like a buy-out scheme comes forward without complete fiscal analysis. The city budget for FY2011 will exceed $80 million.  We will be honest, creative and direct.  Every department will be analyzed to see where we can be effective in cutting costs.  Non-essential positions in city government will be reduced so we can maintain our investment in public safety and economic development. We will delay some Capital Improvement Projects that have no source of funding other than property taxes.  We will increase our attention on grants from outside sources including federal and state sources.  We will evaluate all revenue streams, making sure that every dollar is accounted for.  We will look at tax equity so this year’s
challenge can be avoided in the future. The city has nearly doubled the debt load and we will have to address the affordability of handling this level of debt service without raising taxes and cutting services.     More